This week Foodtown has TRIPLE coupons! (up to .99 cents)!
Here are some highlights:
- Skippy $1.69 (limit 2) use .75/2 from SS 12/3 OOP $1.13 cents for both
- Dole Pineapple .99 cents use .50/2 from SS 9/10 or .75/2 HERE OOP .48 or FREE
- Old Spice Antipersperiant $1.99 use $1/1 from Dec P&G OOP .99 cents
- Clorox Wipes $1.99, if Scentiva is included use .50/1 from SS 12/3 OOP .49 cents
- Pine-Sol $1.99 use .75/1 HERE OOP FREE BOTH CLOROX AND PINESOL ARE PART OF A BUY $10 save $3!
- Tuttoroso Tomatoes .88 cents each (limit 12) use $1/4 from SS 11/12 (R) OOP $2.52 for 4